Membership of the NICRP is exclusive to those that meet our strict membership criteria. As a member you will be invited to contribute to the NICRP (Industry) meeting which is held every six weeks.
The industry tactical meeting is an opportunity for members to share intelligence, current crime trends and concerns with other members; this will be taken forward to the NICRP (Tactical) meeting which is held the following week. The NICRP (Tactical) is for those agencies involved in enforcement to discuss trends and adopt a strategy to deal with them. The ​meeting also gives the member the opportunity to identify any particular ask (including any potential blockers that they are facing) to the enforcement tactical meeting which is chaired by the police.
There are also a number of experienced professionals including subject matter experts who attend the ​meeting. We encourage the sharing of best practice, and this is also an excellent forum for connecting and sharing with professionals from the infrastructure industry.
Other member benefits include tactical analysis from the Centre for Infrastructure & Asset Protection (CIAP), an 'Ask an Expert' facility through the site which will signpost our members to resolution or the best point of contact regarding their sector. We are developing a knowledge hub with access to legislation, best practice, crime prevention and related subject matter.